Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)

Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is defined as a framework of policies, institutional arrangements, technologies, data, and people that enables the sharing and effective usage of geographic information by standardizing formats and protocols for access and interoperability.

The goals of SDI are to:

  1. Maintain data integrity and security
  2. Reduce duplication of efforts among governments
  3. Reduce time and redundancy of data production
  4. Increase the benefits of using available spatial data
  5. Enable easy search and discovery of existing geospatial data and services
  6. Lower costs related to geographic information while making geographic data more accessible
  7. Establish key partnerships between states, counties, cities, academia, and the private sector

Edge-Pro GIS technologies, services, and training deliver a fully supported platform that allows organizations to provide access to geospatial data and resources regardless of location or type.