GeoMedia WebMap

GeoMedia WebMap
Publish High-Performance Web Maps with One Click
GeoMedia WebMap supports a broad range of customers who need to visualize and analyze geographic data on the web. From easily creating standards-compliant web services to providing sophisticated visualization and analysis within interactive web mapping applications, GeoMedia WebMap enables building powerful solutions for sharing your organization’s rich geospatial data.
GeoMedia WebMap is offered within the Platform Suite® of the Power Portfolio®. The Platform Suite enables you to create your own unique applications on top of a solid foundation of powerful geospatial functionality. Supported by robust toolkits, detailed instructions, and interactive developer communities, you can build custom web, mobile, and other smart enterprise solutions. Functionality makes it ideal for extracting information from an array of dynamically changing data to support making informed, smarter decisions.
Publish Maps with a Click of the Mouse
Using GeoMedia® as a visual authoring environment, GeoMedia WebMap allows you to publish high-performance web applications with a simple click of the mouse.
GeoMedia WebMap enables direct creation of interactive web maps by using the configuration and application creation tools provided in GeoMedia itself, eliminating the need for programming. Configure the layout of the web application interface and create user-defined queries and other components. Provide direct, real-time access to your geospatial data. Users can view, query, and analyze multiple geospatial formats simultaneously, with no pre-publishing or translation required.
Powerful Visualization Capabilities
GeoMedia WebMap utilizes Geospatial Portal as an integrated web client for web map publishing, and provides the capabilities for users to view, analyze, capture, and update geospatial information in 2D or 3D. GeoMedia WebMap Publisher add-on to GeoMedia® provides easy web application creation directly from a GeoMedia GeoWorkspace. Use GeoMedia WebMap Essentials to publish powerful websites with the dedicated GeoMedia WebMap Publisher Portal or simplified version of Geospatial Portal-Consumer suitable for public users. The Advantage and Professional tiers of the GeoMedia WebMap product unlock the full functionality of Geospatial Portal-Classic.
Support for Business Workflows
When deployed with the Workflow Manager, GeoMedia WebMap can automate and organize business workflows of government agencies, utilities companies, and other organizations. The Workflow Manager lets you construct highly focused, attribute-based processes that can be made available in the browser and through Geospatial Portal.
Customize and Extend
A powerful Geospatial Portal SDK lets developers customize portal workflows and experiences using extensive APIs, documentation, and reusable code examples. The server-side APIs can also be used to build web applications based on GeoMedia objects.
Robust Web Service Support
Support for web service industry standards—including OGC —gives you access to industry-standard web tools. Deliver data with ease into client applications using GeoMedia WebMap’s industry-defined web services, including OGC WMS (Web Map Service), OGC WFS (Web Feature Service), and OGC WMTS (Web Map Tile Service). Leverage the power of the web in the mapping environment with web services for query and map generation, feature manipulation, routing, address geocoding, and catalog query.
Easy Editing
GeoMedia WebMap allows you to manage the entire lifecycle of data, from capturing new data, viewing and analyzing existing data, to updating and modifying that data based on your analysis. Capture spatial data in accordance with a central data model and write it to Microsoft® Access, SQL Server®, Oracle®, or PostrgeSQL. GeoMedia WebMap also facilitates the creation and update of attribute information. Editing capabilities available in the Advantage and Professional tiers are implemented within Geospatial Portal, providing one powerful editing workflow. The industry standard OGC WFS-T is used to edit, update, or delete the features in the database.
In-Depth Query Capabilities
With real-time links to GIS data warehouses, end users can perform various types of spatial and attribute queries. Click on a map feature to see database information and export the results to other applications. Simple interfaces make it easy to quickly navigate through large quantities of information on a computer or mobile device. GeoMedia WebMap provides the performance needed to serve all clients of your web application, especially as demand increases.
Complex Spatial Analysis
GeoMedia WebMap offers powerful analysis functions which can be combined or used individually. General analysis tools including buffer zoning, spatial intersection, spatial difference, analytical merge, aggregation, join, geocoding, reverse geocoding, and functional attributes. Are updated dynamically through real-time web services.
Advanced GeoMedia WebMap users can perform analyses such as route analysis (including OpenLS routing), proximity analysis, and area allocation. GeoMedia WebMap also enables end users to conduct dynamic segmentation and linear analysis quickly and easily over the web. Dynamic segmentation is a powerful tool for analyzing tabular data that references linear features on a map and enables you to visualize asset inventory more clearly and efficiently than by reviewing columns of data.
GeoMedia WebMap Mobile
GeoMedia WebMap Mobile is a mobile-device-based application for field inspectors or field crews who need access to their organizations’ GIS. It provides online mode as well as offline mode capabilities that allow display and modification of data in areas without online accesses to the database.
GeoMedia WebMap Mobile can be used for all types of field and site inspection workflows, such as pole or vegetation inspection for utilities or public works, traffic light and bridge inspection for transportation authorities, and cell or mobile tower site inspection for communications companies. GeoMedia WebMap Mobile enables you to directly see, edit, validate, and update your enterprise GIS data from the field in real time. You can configure mobile applications to specific workflows for particular personnel and define user permissions. Additionally, you can specify backdrop raster data, other overlays of GIS information, and the vector data that a particular user can see and edit. Open architecture allows updates to become instantly available to any and all GIS platforms you use on the desktop, web, or mobile devices. GeoMedia WebMap Mobile uses OGC-standard web services which means it is compatible with all GIS platforms and lets you work directly in your database without data conversion, synchronization, or temporary data storage.
The mobile application is downloadable for free for mobile device users from the Apple, Google, and Windows apps stores.
Real-World Benefits of GeoMedia WebMap
Brings the power of geospatial processing to the web
Maximizes the value of your geographic information
Fast and easy access to your geospatial data and functionality
Access and analyze your data anywhere, anytime
Improves productivity
No programming expertise required
Based on industry standards
Proven performance scalability model
Server Administration
GeoMedia WebMap allows administration of web applications via an integrated, web-based administration console. This console allows administrators can manage their servers and web services, as well as websites available on those servers.
Additional server configuration parameters may be modified, and websites/web services can be tested in real-time with the click of a button in the Administration Console. Modifications will be immediately available even to end users on mobile devices with internet access.
A Vital Component of the Portfolio
GeoMedia WebMap connects to products across the Power Portfolio, providing a seamless solution to geo-enable your enterprise.