
Everything You Need to Build, Analyze and Share Your World 

TerraExplorer for Desktop is a cutting-edge 3D GIS desktop viewer and creator that includes CityBuilder, providing powerful tools and a high-resolution 3D environment in which to view, query, analyze and present geospatial data. TerraExplorer’s robust and extensive capabilities provide everything you need to quickly and easily process, and disseminate 3D geospatial content to key stakeholders and end users. 

Use With Your Existing Technology 

TerraExplorer is interoperable with your technology, supporting a wide range of formats including WFS/WFS-T, DAE, 3DS, X, FLT, WMS/WMTS, FBX, Tiff, JPEG, MrSID, ECW, IMG Shapefile, KML/KMZ, SQLite and more!